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Assessment Review Board

The board hears and determines assessment appeals concerning properties, businesses, school support, and the apportionment of municipal taxes or rates applicable to individual parcels of land that have been assessed in a block.

Assessment Review Board

Assessment Review Board Act
Adjudicative Tribunals Accountability, Governance and Appointments Act, 2009


The board hears and determines assessment appeals concerning properties, businesses, school support, and the apportionment of municipal taxes or rates applicable to individual parcels of land that have been assessed in a block.

When authorized by a municipal by-law, the board determines applications for the cancellation, reduction or refund of municipal taxes and for increases in municipal taxes where errors have been made in the collector's roll.

The Assessment Review Board is designated as part of an adjudicative tribunal cluster by regulation made under the Adjudicative Tribunals Accountability, Governance and Appointments Act, 2009.

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