Social Benefits Tribunal Ontario
The Social Benefits Tribunal hears appeals from people who have either been refused social assistance or who receive social assistance but disagree with a decision that affects:

Ontario Works Act, 1997
Adjudicative Tribunals Accountability, Governance and Appointments Act, 2009
The Social Benefits Tribunal exercises jurisdiction to hear appeals under the Ontario Works Act, 1997 and the Ontario Disability Support Plan Act, 1997, regarding the refusal to grant a benefit, the suspension or cancellation of a benefit, the reduction of a benefit or the amount of a benefit.
The Social Benefits Tribunal is designated as part of an adjudicative tribunal cluster by regulation made under the Adjudicative Tribunals Accountability, Government appointments Act, 2009.
The Social Benefits Tribunal hears appeals from people who have either been refused social assistance or who receive social assistance but disagree with a decision that affects:
Their eligibility for assistance
The amount of assistance they receive
The benefits they receive
Have you been denied a benefit?
We can help you navigate the often stressful and complicated process of filing an appeal before the Social Benefits Tribunal.
Book a FREE 30 Minute Initial Consultation.
30 min